Marketing Initiative Self Evaluation

Use this free Marketing Initiative Self-Evaluation Resource to get an internal pulse on how your current initiatives are performing.

Capturing this intel will help you prioritize your 2025 initiatives and help you achieve your annual goals more efficiently.
Work on it individually or make it a great team-building exercise.

2025 Marketing Self Eval

Instructions for Use:

  1. Use the descriptions to help you define “performance.”
  2. Independently or together, use the radio buttons to rank your current performance on each initiative (0 = N/A; 1=low; 5=high). 
  3. Use the comments field to add additional context for each grade. Be specific & keep it candid but constructive.
  4. Click “submit,” and your results will be compiled and emailed to you. Sort them by 1-3 (needs work) vs. 4-5 (in good shape).
  5. Determine which ones provide a return on investment of time, money, and people resources.
  6. Assign resources (people, time, and budget) toward each priority and set milestones toward achieving them.
  7. For help, contact us.

Easy Online Form: Reference the instructions provided & simply follow the prompts below. *BONUS: Results & recommendations will be emailed to you upon completion.

Download: Alternatively, you can click the adjacent button to access a Google Sheet for DIY online or offline completion.

Need help or want feedback? Contact us.

Marketing Initiative Self Evaluation - Online Form


Marketing Planning & Strategy

Benchmarking and Goal Setting
You have metrics, documented goals & an action plan to achieve them.
Team Observations and Goals.

Brand Positioning & Messaging
Your value proposition is unique & your messaging is clear.
Team Observations and Goals.

Persona and Audience Insight
You have identified your target audiences demographically, psychographically, behaviorally, etc.
Team Observations and Goals.

Marketing Technology
You have all of the tools & technology your team needs for marketing, sales & support.
Team Observations and Goals.

Marketing Budget
You have accurate historical financials & annual budget projections.
Team Observations and Goals.